Jarrah Honey Ta 55+ Satchets
Jarrah Honey Ta 55+ Satchets
Jarrah Honey Ta 55+ Satchets
Jarrah Honey Ta 55+ Satchets

Jarrah Honey Ta 55+ Satchets

4 Reviews

Jarrah Honey TA55 is considered unique and rare honey found only in Western Australia. Jarrah honey contains one of the highest levels of antioxidants and antibacterial properties and is characterized by its low glucose levels. The antimicrobial activity in Jarrah honey is a direct causative of its natural enzyme.

560 AED

Jarrah Honey TA55 is considered unique and rare honey found only in Western Australia. Jarrah honey contains one of the highest levels of antioxidants and antibacterial properties and is characterized by its low glucose levels. The antimicrobial activity in Jarrah honey is a direct causative of its natural enzyme.

(4 Reviews) Jarrah Honey Ta 55+ Satchets

عامر حمد

العسل ميه ميه معصار اشوفها افضل اسهل في الاستخدام

سعود الكعبي

العسل ممتاز ومستمر عليه


ممتاز جدآ جزاكم الله خير وبارك الله فيكم

منصور سعيد

الحمدالله افضل و احسن يعطي نشاط طول اليوم الحمدلله ما عندي ارهاق و تعب نفس قبل الحمدلله و ملتزم في العسل و حبوب اللقاح

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