Jarrah Honey TA 35+ 500g
Jarrah Honey TA 35+ 500g
Jarrah Honey TA 35+ 500g
Jarrah Honey TA 35+ 500g

Jarrah Honey TA 35+ 500g

5 Reviews

Components of Jarrah TA35+ honey: Jarrah TA35+ honey contains a variety of natural components, including minerals, vitamins, and plant compounds, which help improve overall health and reduce the risk of many diseases.

Boosting the immune system:

Jarrah TA35+ honey is rich in antioxidants and antibacterial properties, which help boost the immune system and protect the body from infections and diseases.

Supporting general health:

Jarrah TA35+ honey contains a range of nutrients that are essential for general health, such as minerals, vitamins, and plant compounds, which help improve overall health and reduce the risk of many diseases

Treating respiratory infections:

Jarrah TA35+ honey contains anti-inflammatory properties that help treat respiratory infections such as asthma, sore throat, and the common cold.

Improving skin health:

Jarrah TA35+ honey has antibacterial and antifungal properties that help improve skin health and treat some skin diseases such as acne and dermatitis.

Enhancing athletic performance:

Users of Jarrah TA35+ honey can benefit from the natural sugars it contains to enhance athletic performance and increase energy.

Improving sleep:

Jarrah TA35+ honey contains tryptophan, which helps improve sleep and reduce insomnia.

385 AED 550

Components of Jarrah TA35+ honey: Jarrah TA35+ honey contains a variety of natural components, including minerals, vitamins, and plant compounds, which help improve overall health and reduce the risk of many diseases.

Boosting the immune system:

Jarrah TA35+ honey is rich in antioxidants and antibacterial properties, which help boost the immune system and protect the body from infections and diseases.

Supporting general health:

Jarrah TA35+ honey contains a range of nutrients that are essential for general health, such as minerals, vitamins, and plant compounds, which help improve overall health and reduce the risk of many diseases

Treating respiratory infections:

Jarrah TA35+ honey contains anti-inflammatory properties that help treat respiratory infections such as asthma, sore throat, and the common cold.

Improving skin health:

Jarrah TA35+ honey has antibacterial and antifungal properties that help improve skin health and treat some skin diseases such as acne and dermatitis.

Enhancing athletic performance:

Users of Jarrah TA35+ honey can benefit from the natural sugars it contains to enhance athletic performance and increase energy.

Improving sleep:

Jarrah TA35+ honey contains tryptophan, which helps improve sleep and reduce insomnia.

(5 Reviews) Jarrah Honey TA 35+ 500g

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العسل ممتاز ماعليه كلام

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