Family Package
Family Package
Family Package
Family Package
Family Package

Family Package

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Package Details 

1 x Jarrah Honey TA 44

1 x Jarrah Honey TA 35

1 x Happy Quokka Honey

1 x Eucalyptus Propolis

Jarrah Honey TA 44

A natural alternative to sugar that is easy to carry and use, so it helps control sugar levels. It also increases the energy and vitality of the body, and thanks to it containing the highest percentage of antioxidants, it reduces inflammation in the body and supports stomach problems.

Jarrah Honey TA 35

It strengthens memory, increases mind concentration, prevents premature ageing, and maintains the health of the digestive system.

Happy Quokka Honey

Specially designed to be tolerated by children’s intestines, it helps relieve allergies and asthma, supports bone and dental health, and enhances your children’s immunity.

Eucalyptus Propolis

Propolis is a resinous substance that bees produce by collecting plant resins and mixing them with wax and enzymes in the beehive. It is considered a general tonic and enhances immunity and the system.

2099 AED

Package Details 

1 x Jarrah Honey TA 44

1 x Jarrah Honey TA 35

1 x Happy Quokka Honey

1 x Eucalyptus Propolis

Jarrah Honey TA 44

A natural alternative to sugar that is easy to carry and use, so it helps control sugar levels. It also increases the energy and vitality of the body, and thanks to it containing the highest percentage of antioxidants, it reduces inflammation in the body and supports stomach problems.

Jarrah Honey TA 35

It strengthens memory, increases mind concentration, prevents premature ageing, and maintains the health of the digestive system.

Happy Quokka Honey

Specially designed to be tolerated by children’s intestines, it helps relieve allergies and asthma, supports bone and dental health, and enhances your children’s immunity.

Eucalyptus Propolis

Propolis is a resinous substance that bees produce by collecting plant resins and mixing them with wax and enzymes in the beehive. It is considered a general tonic and enhances immunity and the system.

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